Book Cover - Fully Extended
Book Cover - Fully Extended
3 in 1 Poster - Booklet - Bookmark. 

Brief:  Design stationary (poster, booklet, and a bookmark) and a newspaper input (promo) inspired by the main book cover.
Concept: Book is consisted of  fun, day to day "experiments",  that challenge one to expand their comfort zone. If comfort zone is a set of guides and directions, so is a design grid. Inspired by that my design" breaks free" from the grid , and so from it's comfort zone. 
I therefore also challenged my self into making an All in One application of the stationary. 
Output: A pre-folded booklet that when unfolded creates a two sided poster (A4). Both sides have randomly picked "experiments" from the book while the top part  is pre-cut  and can be torn to make a bookmark.
Front- Foldable Poster with Phrases from the Book
Front- Foldable Poster with Phrases from the Book
Back - Foldable Poster with Phrases from the Book
Back - Foldable Poster with Phrases from the Book
Informative Flier
Informative Flier
Photo-book Design
Book Illustration 
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